Remedy make a boss fight that isn't shit challenge. Hartman honestly might have been full on worse than the final boss in Quantum Break. the only thing that gives me pause is the lack of a long load screen and cinematic in front of this one in comparison.

otherwise this was once again more Control. the setting has less of the drab caves which is a bonus but the connection to Alan Wake wasn't as exciting as it sounded which was a bummer. surge as an additional weapon type seemed like a gamechanger but ended up being much less immediately busted than i thought. </3

i find myself thinking that i had my fill of this one with the base game and could've done without the expansions completely. they're both serviceable but they don't have anything to offer that made me feel like i was particularly glad that i played them or anything either. that's the case for a solid 80% of the DLC i've played for any game ever so it's not a big shock, i guess.

hopefully by the time Control 2 rolls around my fatigue from these will have faded.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


23 days ago

AW2 hopefully gonna lift ur spirits after this ::)

23 days ago

@max_q fingers crossed