6.5 is about what you'd expect from a x.5 patch, maybe even more when you consider the relatively low stakes build up to each subsequent expansion that took place in 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5. But I think for me, what makes 6.5 feel so much lesser is how tired the game feels. The plot's main thrust has been resolved; much of the wonder and mystery the game held has faded. Final Fantasy XIV has been pushed to its conceptual limits multiple times already, and it happens roughly twice in 6.5 between the MSQ and the Alliance Raid questline.

The content is as competent as always, but I can't help but feel it's reduced to only being serviceable thanks to it being effectively identical to every other patch. The same dungeon trash, different but eerily similar bosses, blink-and-you'll-miss-'em trials, cutscenes that are utilizing decade old BGM and 3D animations -- it legitimately gives me existential dread when I hear the same hokey backing tracks that have been in cutscenes for the past decade while my avatar smiles placidly at some mundane situation. And perhaps it's my fault for playing the game for so long; of course I'd be tapped out on enjoyment to some extent. But honestly this is a GaaS we're talking about, and the past two patches have been revelatory in their failure to meaningful build upon a game that even at its worst moments could make you wonder what was next around the corner.

Like a TV show that's go on for a season or two too long, everything starts to blend together. There are no more layers to peel back, and even seemingly important moments feel unaffecting to the point of unflinching apathy, reduced to post-Avengers: Endgame MCU caliber quality (even down to having its own 'The Eternals', of sorts). It makes me wonder if it was ever truly that good in the first place, or if it was just the novelty of unraveling this world and seeing what it had to offer. Stories don't need to extend themselves this long, and 6.5 has really proven that further.

I'm certain Dawntrail will be of significantly higher quality than the patch-by-patch MSQ of Endwalker, the side stories of Endwalker's patch cycle, and hell, probably Endwalker itself (whose story I think grows increasingly worse the more I think about it). But I'm not convinced Dawntrail won't share the same issues as its predecessors. We'll get a dungeon at every odd level, three trials, a new set of 8-player raids, fancy new moves for all the jobs, a story that's well-written (to a fault) with a genuinely strong sense of adventure at its highest highs. But ultimately it'll falter as a holistic gameplay experience thanks to it being stuck within the framework of an MMO, doomed to never truly have a naturalistic gameplay structure beyond same-y field areas and identically structured instanced content that are carried by bespoke art direction, music, and 3D assets.

FF14 is a respectable multimedia project with lofty ambitions and a growing overconfidence in its own subject matter that would make the FF7 compilation blush, but as an MMO and a game it's gradually depreciating patch by patch thanks to the fact that by its very nature it cannot disrupt its own status quo. Profit and longevity are king in live service games, even in ones that are largely full of meaningful experiences like FF14. Tbh tho as long as it's where the gay people are hanging out, I'll keep coming back, prolly.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023


8 months ago

also kinda feeling burnt about how underwritten zero was in her own character arc, it just felt so safe and i never really got an impression of who she is as a character. i'm wondering what it all was for if they're just gonna put her on ice until the expansion after dawntrail. though who am i kidding, at this rate i'm gonna become a cutscene skipper or just stop playing altogether by 8.0

8 months ago

I haven't been around as long (since 5.4) but I totally feel you. At this point I'm unable to get past everything being squished inside a Live Service Content Delivery Schedule-shaped box. It made me feel things and I'm always gonna look back on it fondly but. Man... I'm packing my bags as soon as I finish Anabaseios Savage

8 months ago

Great review. I think "tired" is a perfect description as to where FFXIV currently is. We got some great closure on plot with Endwalker, and it feels like we've been just going through the motions since. I'm hoping Dawntrail shakes things up... but as you put so perfectly "as long as it's where the gay people are hanging out, I'll keep coming back."

7 months ago

I've only been playing since 5.3 but I'm about ready to tap out too. The combination of lackluster story (want another power of friendship storyline?!?!?!), refusal to give new characters the spotlight (for the love of god just kill off y'shtola already), by-the-numbers dungeon/trial/quest design is really starting to grate on me. I started skipping cutscenes in 6.1 the moment they started bringing back the Scions when, not even a patch before, said they were disbanding. If FF16 didn't take away resources, what are they doing over at Square where they're giving THE most profitable FF game scraps to deal with? The customization really needs to improve too. More tattoos, less awful outfit models (quantrielle's skirt, for example), race unlock everything from the hairstyles to the default gear, and I would even go so far as to say to get rid of gear-locking for glams.

7 months ago

Btw I feel vindicated about Endwalker. I remember being excited for my first expansion launch to the point I actually pre-ordered it. That didn't last long the more I went through the story the more it became "wow...this is kind of shit."