I have played Version 2.1.

I want to start with the fact that this game is not bad. I think for people who enjoy open world games this game is even very good.
But for me after some time the realization kicked in that this is in fact still just your normal average open world game, and those typically start just being busy work after some time.
I had fun with this game for around 10 hours I think, but then it just started to become stale very quickly.

- The gunplay feels good, way better than I imagined
- The city looks and feels amazing, by far the biggest pro for me

- The talent trees and cyber implementations etc. are too shallow for me. My "build" was finished after around 8 hours and it didn't feel like it would change at all anymore
- The story and characters are OK, but not as good as in Witcher 3 for example
- This is personal but the whole cyberpunk theme just doesn't really do it for me
- Too many "Walking behind NPC who has something important to say and nothing else happens" quests

If you like typical open world games you will definitely enjoy this game and you should get it. The city feels amazing and you will have lots of fun.
If you're like me and don't really like open world games Cyberpunk 2077 won't change that.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
