This is a split rating. Almost everything about the game is a solid 3. Graphics and art are decent, but the game doesn't have the same atmosphere that Silent Hill 1 has. The combat and enemy variety is a downgrade from Silent Hill 1--there are only a few zombie-type enemies, none of whom pose a threat. In comparison, the enemies in Silent Hill were quite varied (dogs, pterodactyls, evil nurses, monkeys) and were all rather difficult to avoid or fight. I stomped all over every single enemy in Silent Hill 2's Normal mode, including the bosses (in Silent Hill 1, I had to savescum to beat the final boss), and I ended the game with so many medkits and bullets that the police in the next town over thought I was a morphine dealer. The puzzles in this game were not particularly memorable; a few of them are enjoyable, but I found them a downgrade from Silent Hill 1 (though I liked the fact that the puzzles change in each difficulty. And the voice acting, boy, is it terrible. There is no excuse for it. It is just bad. The awkward, wooden delivery, combined with the sometimes risque and sexually-themed dialogue, made me feel like I was watching an adult film that never got to the goods, so to speak. The scariest thing about this game was not the monsters or the atmosphere, but the fear that someone would walk in during one of the cutscenes and think I was watching a porno.
The second-scariest thing about this game is the sound design. Now, as a fan of dark and weird music, I was not particularly scared or weirded out by this sound design, but I can appreciate the fact that it was top notch. I don't think I've ever played a game that used sounds quite so well.
The other great thing about the game is the story. The story is amazing; I do not exaggerate when I say that the story has layers and depth. In fact, I've never played another game that has such a deep and insightful storyline. The problem with the storyline is two-fold. First, it's told in a very subtle fashion. In order to be able to pick up the clues, you have to pay very close attention to everything happening in the game, especially the cutscenes. This isn't really a problem per se; the issue is that the acting in the cutscenes is so horrid, and some of the cutscenes are so corny, that you don't pay attention to them or feel the impact of what is occurring. It reminds me of the Matrix sequels--they have a very deep and complicated story that is ruined by terrible presentation. If you have played the game, do yourself a favor, go to the Silent Hill Memories website, and read the plot analysis of Silent Hill 2. It will change how you view the story and will help you appreciate how deep the story actually is.
In conclusion, this game is a 3 in terms of gameplay, a 5 in terms of sound design, a 6 in terms of story, and a 1 in terms of presentation. Hopefully the upcoming remake will preserve the great elements of the original while improving the voice-acting, combat, and puzzles.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023
