If there was ever a game that could act as the PS Vita's ambassador then Tearaway would be a serious contender. For starters, its story about the journey of a origami-like messenger trying to deliver a message to you, the player, is a tale that anyone of any age can enjoy. Admittedly for older players, the plot won't hold any serious revelations but the message that the game delivers is one that I think people need to hear from time to time.

Then there are the gameplay mechanics. Tearaway just loves to show off all of the Vita's features, from the touch screen to the camera to motion control. In your journey through the world of Tearaway, you will use every element of the Vita. This makes the gameplay rather unique, amongst platformers, howvere some of the Vita's features don't allow for the finer control that Tearaway sometimes wants. This does lead to the occassional death but the overall unique gameplay experience is enough to mitigate teh frustration of the odd death.

As Tearaway is a platformer, it has a number of different collectibles for you to find and collect. Some of these do require you to explore the levels quite thoroughly to locate but , apart from a handful, most were easy to find. By hunting down these collectibles, you will be able to see everything that the game has to offer, as well as it gives you the opportunity to practice the gameplay mechanics before the final levels, which you will be thankful for.

Finally, Tearaway is an absolutely gorgeous game to look at. The choice of a papercrafted world makes it bright and unique. The fact that …

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022
