Way more enjoyable than the first one, push the combat and the mechanics forward a bit, a new form system to expand even more your options, you can actually run from enemy encounters this game, the story feels like there's more to it, more stakes, the internet have a new design and it looks way better, also navigating through it is less tedious and boring, it tries it's best to do more and better than the first game, and it definitely does, but there's still major drawbacks.

First, this game has more backtracking and running around circles than the first game, and that's a fucking feat right there, everybody knows about the ice section near the end of the game, which is one of the worst and most garbage decisions i've ever seen in a videogame, it completely nosedives any pacing or momentum the game had, but the rest of the game too, when you're not on a dungeon you're running around the internet looking for what to do next, sometimes it's fun 'cause you're exploring new parts and new areas, but for the most part is a bloated mess that sucks so much fun of the game, it doesn't curse the game or dooms it, but my enjoyment of it would be increased ten fold if they had cut all (or most) of the fat and bloat around some parts of the game, which creates this tiresome feeling of burnout, near the last stretch of the game, i was kinda forcing myself to play through it, you had run around so much and did so much combat and random encounters that when the game keeps pushing you more and more you become exhausted, there's a immense sense of fatigue on the last leg of this game, which is a shame honestly, it's a way better game then the first one, but there's so much more they could've improved or prevented so the game could've actually become a classic

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2022
