This was a fun game from my childhood that recently got remastered and re-released onto PC and Switch.
My biggest praise for the remastered release is that they DRASTICALLY improved the camera controls. In the PS2 version I played as a kid, the camera was so sensitive and crazy that I couldn't bother to replay it nowadays after being spoiled with games that have nice camera controls. However, this release offers really detailed controls such as whether or not you want the camera centered on Ty as he jumps. Huge quality of life improvement.
The addition of achievements is fun, and I've nearly 100% the game after just 14 hours. Currently working on the hardcore achievements.
This game is obviously a kids' game that was made for PS2, so obviously the animations are super wonky and the writing is really cheesy, also considering it is just stuffed full of Australian stereotypes and slang (which is fine, because the developers are Australian, but it does go a little overboard at times). It's really only a story that is there to drive the theme and gameplay.
Level design is actually really good, for the most part. There are a couple levels that are annoying and one that is really gimmicky, but the rest are really fun to explore, and they gave me a feeling of what the landscape is like Down Under. Platforming is quick and tight, and combat is really kinda basic (you either rang or bite your enemies, and they die in 1-2 hits). Bosses were mainly puzzle-based, so you're not just whittling down their health bar by flinging your rangs at them, which I appreciate.
Collecting things is actually a lot more fun than I anticipated. Usually it's tedious, but for some reason, this one was fun. Sucks if you miss a single opal, though, and you have to scour the entire level looking for it.
The different boomerangs you can get have very limited functionality, and nearly every one of them has a benefit to its usage, but once you get the Megarang, the Multirang kinda becomes obsolete. Towards the end of the game while picking up missed collectables, I found myself just using the Megarang and the Kaboomarang to quickly clear out enemies.
This is a fun game, and you can easily beat it in a weekend or so. I'd recommend it.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2020
