I wanted to like this game more than I did, lots of busywork with finding new items and backtracking through the game to find where to use them, most of the later game items didn't really change the game enough to make that a fun process.

The initial 6-8 hours or so for the main game were cool, I liked how the items/upgrades weren't typical for metroidvanias so you really had to figure out how to use them for yourself. Visually it was stunning and all the lighting effects were very impressive. However, the post game of finding all the secret eggs were just okay, lots of them were just about noticing a small gap in the corner of a room and getting your way there. Luckily I found a lot of the eggs just as I went through the main game. Also, traveling the map so many times looking for the last few things makes you realise that the world in this game isn't very memorable, I didn't develop that inherent understanding of how to get around like I did in other games.

Also wish there was a real soundtrack, it is mostly ambient but the few longer music bits are cool so would have liked to hear more.

Animal Well never really had that joy of discovery from games this is compared to like Fez and Tunic. The big secrets didn't really blow my mind or truly excite me like those other games, nor did I spend a long time scratching my head at them like I did with the golden path in Tunic.

There are a few Quality of Life additions that would have improved this game, why can't I instantly teleport back to my last checkpoint instead of having to go find somewhere to kill myself.

Also really annoying that the craziest traversal item is given to you so late after already completing everything.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
