After reading the other reviews, I now realize I should’ve played the Famicom version. The American version is stupid hard.

That’s honestly ok though— I expected the game to be punishing, so I wasn’t even that put off by it. I liked the character switching in this one, the clock tower level is legitimately impressive for an NES game, and the soundtrack, unsurprisingly, bangs.

This one may not be as timeless as the first game, or as interesting as the second, but I think it’s the most fun NES Castlevania to play. I will definitely be checking out the Japanese version.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

The last level leading up to the Dracula fight will make you want to tear your own skin off in frustration in the American version but it somehow is still immensely fun despite that.

Definitely less dramatic when you play the Famicom version though, highly recommended, but completing the American version is a great bucket-list item for a gamer that likes this kind of game lol