There are some nice things about this game: the art, music and setting are VERY unique, it has a fun little mini-challenge mode that I think more modern shmups could adopt for broader appeal, and it has a solid difficulty structure to it that, I would guess, is great for pulling in people new to the genre. And I've heard 4-player co-op is a good time!

HOWEVER. 16x9 vertizontal is utter pain, and it is agony when you pair it with slow-ass ships. Give me a fast ship option and you've got yourself an extra star here.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022


There are plenty of fast ships. There are 12 ships in the game and at least half of them are viable for high level play. Stick to babby shmups like MUSHA next time.

1 year ago

I reviewed the original version of the game which definitely does not have 12 ships, and definitely does not have fast ships. Maybe I’ll check out the expanded version sometime.

I genuinely appreciate that you care enough about Jamestown to defend its honor on this website, god bless you sir/madam.

5 months ago

The Gunpowder, Treason & Plot DLC adds the Treason ship, which has the speed you're looking for!