I feel like the people that said that the combat was a clunky mess in group fights don't really know how to play the game properly? I think that one of the good things about this game is that it invites the player to actually think about their surroundings and how to approach different encounters, obviously you can't just rush into a group of 4-5 enemies on the hardest difficulty and expect to win just like that (using melee as your only tool). That might be true near the beginning of the game but they give you the pistol pretty quickly to the point where you can then plan out your combat encounters a bit more, idk it might just be me but I thought the combat was MOSTLY really enjoyable. Plus when you get telekinesis it genuinely makes most encounters really fucking fun because of how cool it is to use it.

For a survival horror game I thought that the exploration was sufficient too, lots of people said that the game is one long hallway but there are definitely other areas you can go through that take maybe 10-15 minutes, although it is true that they just end up linking back to the main path but for a linear game I think that's acceptable, I don't really think we needed anything more there.

Where the game DOES become a bit of a chore is enemy variety, in an interview Glen Schofield said that there are approximately 11 enemy types and I'm sorry... what? where the fuck are the other 5? Even most enemies that are classified as "different" have the exact same moves to the point where you cant even call them different enemies, they're just more skinny, fat or taller. I can't think of a reason as to why they put four two-heads within the span of an hour when they're the most tedious bullet-spongey enemies in the game, they're not even hard, just long. The final boss is also way too easy and forgettable, I beat him first try on the hardest difficulty because he only has two moves, both being moves other enemies have so you've essentially spent the entire game fighting the boss but just when he's smaller which makes the payoff of finally reaching the end of the game non-existent.

The stuff that I actually did like are the visuals, every location looks stunning with amazing attention to detail that makes just walking through the environment really fun. The mocap is some of the best I've seen in recent years as well with stellar performances that lessen the effect of boring characters and the sound design is pretty great too.

However I really don't think this game is worth any more than £30 and even THEN I'd still wait for a sale because the length of this game does not justify the price. I 100% the game in 10.4 hours on the hardest difficulty while getting stuck on some encounters for like 15 minutes so essentially this is going to be like an 8 hour game for most casual players if you don't go out of your way to go through every corridor to find all the collectibles and paying £55 for that seems to be a bit too much.

Also, this isn't scary at all.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
2022 - Ranked

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2022
