21: I really enjoyed this one for whatever reason. Blackjack is always pretty fun in anything, and RE7 adds their own twist to make it a little more interesting. The survival modes are great, as they add some challenge to the game and actually incentivize you to think about strategy. I don’t like how they’re partially RNG, but that’s the game of blackjack… so whatever, I guess. It’s also annoying how some of the opponents have rigged moves — that they will always spam, which forces you to defeat them in very specific ways that sorta limit your freedom of approach. Good shit! 3.5/5

Jack’s 55th Birthday: I hate this one so much. The running in RE7 is one of its more annoying aspects, so an entire game mode forcing you to run around huge maps in specific routes whilst gathering food was never going to be fun. It’s even more frustrating how you have to do this several times, as your inventory space is limited; so it’s essentially an exercise of memorization— which I’m noticing most of these modes seem to have in common. Fuck this one. 1.5/5

Daughters: This is the first DLC to actually expand the story of the main game, whereas everything before this was centered around some sort of minigame; and I have to say, it was pretty good! My biggest complaint would probably just be that it’s too short and… basic? It doesn’t really do anything new, it’s all about finding items in a specific way so you can get the “true ending”. I don’t know man; it would’ve been cool if this one DIDN’T have any puzzles and was instead a look into the Baker’s lives before Evie came along and fucked everything up, which I guess it sorta is? for approximately 40 seconds! Everything after those first 40 seconds comes down to: go there! collect this! and then go there once you have this thing! It’s just boring after finishing the base game, which was literally this exact thing. I did love all of the new scripted cutscenes, the music, and the way it managed to make me feel bad for the Baker’s— even more than the base game already did. 3/5

DLC's - Ranked
2017 - Ranked

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
