i’m not the type to refund a game very often but after just 2 runs i knew enough to know this game wasn’t for me. it feels very much like it’s just going through the motions that have been established by the genre. just checks off the roguelike checklist, slaps a peggle skin on it and calls it a day that’ll be $20 (which this game has no business being, even at a 25% off sale this game just does not have the content and polish to cost more than most of the roguelike greats)

the nature of peggle is luck and roguelikes are about rolling with the punches, so they should be a perfect match but the design here just is not good. i got to the final boss on my 2nd run (the dragon since i assume there are multiple) and the peg design was… just a pyramid with no thoughts of how that actually feels to play. some of these map designs just felt like no one ever playtested them. overall, the genre has so much better than this and it feels like this was made just to ride the tide of roguelikes being popular than to actually make a good game

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
