bought this for my bf bc im a very sweet girl ???

anyhow this is genuinely vv cool,, works like crazy well for how tiny it is but has the worst sound effects/music in any game ever? def smth to be said about how easy it is to translate the game of tetris + how hard it is to fuck up a version of tetris. game is so universal as it takes like less than five seconds to understand the mechanics of classic tetris and it’s not like hard to master at all but it almost puts u into a trance like state??? idk I go quiet asf playing any version of this shii,, peak disassociation game.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


27 days ago

i had one of these, might still have it, but instead of a small keychain it was a big ass blue oval-like shape with yellow buttons. it annoyed the shit out of my parents when i played it in the car

27 days ago

apparently if u play tetris after witnessing a traumatic event it will prevent the memory. truly peak dissociation content