been thinking lots about hard/challenging games and how i just absolutely don’t fuck w them and don’t see the point. i often find myself annoyed and abandoning scrimblo platformers for this very reason bc it’s not even smth where u can get better at learning how to use the mechanics like in most games,, w these types of games it comes completely down to reflexes that I just don’t have. but this is cool and chill and v forgiving,, more so about being in this games world and appreciating its vibes than most platformers. idk rlly appreciate a platformer that cares more about aesthetics + narrative than actual gameplay. rlly beautiful and pretty game ^_^ #kidcore #scrimblo

as for like idk the hate of this remake in comp to original game…..u hating from a cracked screen….aint u dizzy???? fr tho like idk ive played the first three levels of the original ps1 release and it’s def it’s own vibe and is v pretty but this has accessiblity options both by being easier and being readily available which is nice lol…
also idk i think this game has its own specific vibe that’s kinda diff from the original game,,, has a similar look + feel to balan lol sick that’s cool

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
