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Lost Judgment improves on almost everything that I didn't feel strongly about or didn't like about Judgment. There's still a few blemishes here and there, but nothing that brings down the rating like it did for what came prior.
The game utilizes its pre-established characters extremely well, taking advantage of the fact that we are familiar with these characters already and the new characters introduced to us all feel natural and integrative to the narrative.
And its narrative is one of the strongest RGG has ever put out there. Not only is it treated with the seriousness and delicacy it deserves, the themes that hold the narrative are supported by the School Stories which can be considered its own game based on the sheer amount of content.
Kuwana is an antagonist that the series needed. Someone that shifts between ally and antagonist until the very end, allowing us to know him more personally, more than almost any other antagonist in the Yakuza series. While we condone and oppose his ideals, we understand him and are given a chance to root for him despite the wrong he has caused. It's refreshing to have an antagonist like this in the series and Kuwana is a very welcome addition to the cast as one of the most layered and sympathetic characters out there.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
