i wanted left 4 dead but i opened up the game and it immediately started throwing lootcrates and customisation and paid DLC and all this other Stuff at me. no. get all this stuff out of here. i don't want to see stuff in my games any more. none of these dressup game options are even cute. everything has numbers on it. get them out of here.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2021


3 years ago

They do that only if you go to the in-game shop or if you purposefully browse the launcher. Lmao at least play the game if you're gonna make a review

3 years ago

it's not really that way, the game has a few cheap DLCs that add maps, weapons and classes but not much more and theyre totally optional, you can't really buy equipment or become more powerful by throwing money at it.
could tell you more but don't want to bore you, I'd suggest you give it another try, imo it's a really similar if not better experience than L4D but more focused around melee weapons

3 years ago

no i'll post whatever i like. call the warhammer police on me i dont care theyre not real.

3 years ago

oook dude I tried being nice but you know what? get fucked by an entire waaagh I don't give a skaven's ass.

3 years ago

okay i will!!!!