Started this up on a whim and was shocked by how immediately fun I found it. I'm worried that in the long-term the strategy-heavy nature of the combat will get tiresome (already slowly picking apart a mob of enemies one-by-one isn't that engaging) but am hopeful that with more tools will come deeper or more interesting fights.
I'm trying not to get too hung up on missing skills or sub-optimal item usage or whatever, but knowing that I've already missed a one-time chance to get a skill off a boss (thanks for unequipping my shield skill, item shop!) is painful.
The game's got great style though. That perfect, early-2000's post-Matrix future-grime. I want to say it's a killer aesthetic curveball for the Breath of Fire series, but I'm ultimately not familiar enough with the previous games to know if that's actually the case.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023
