There's been a lot of these survival horror games where a monster stalks you with little ability to fight back, especially since Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The original Alien film feels pretty formative for this type of video game so using the Alien license feels like a match made in heaven. As far as these types of games go, this is a pretty good one. The Xenomorph is terrifying and have a randomness to their route so you're are always on your toes even after dying and reloading. The sound design is really strong with the symphony of the alien crawling around in the vents and the beeping of your radar leaving you a nervous wreck. Sometimes you don't know whether to move or stay still when you know the alien is nearby. Outside of the alien, there's also human and android enemies which are less interesting to deal with. It's a serviceable stealth game when those segments come up. You do get a bit more means to fight back later on in the game with more aliens which feels like it was trying to reference the film sequel, Aliens. It takes place on a space station that you backtrack through and get upgrades to access new areas. Unfortunately, everything looked the exact same that I rarely knew when I was revisiting an area. The level design seemed decent but it was just very boring to traverse. I was also pretty uninterested in the story and characters. Nothing there held my attention. Alien: Isolation is a game that does one thing, i.e the stalking alien, really well while everything else is mediocre.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
