Uncharted 2 is one of the best games ever made and it's not surprising that the gaming industry desperately kept trying to replicate it for years afterwards. Nuaghty Dog offered an incredibly polished package where almost everything is stellar. The shooting feels great and often takes place in areas that have level design that promotes moving around. The platforming is a bit simple but still pretty fun and the things you're climbing usually look incredible. The climbing also makes the shootouts more dynamic. I do wish there were a few more puzzles with some complexity but the ones that are there are fine.

The graphics were some of the best when it came out that, while going for a realistic look, has a great use of colour so it has aged pretty well. The story is a lot of fun and the characters are great with some fantastic performances. The set pieces were what set the game apart when it came out and they were unbelieveable back in 2009. The train set piece is still one of the most exhilarating sequences in games but there's still plenty of memorable ones outside of that such as the truck convoy, the collapsing building and being chased by the tank. The game has a really good pace which makes it easy to play in large chunks. The only part that drags is the extended amount of shootouts in the snowy temple area near the end of the game. In almost every other way, the game is just a joy to play through from beginning to end.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2022
