Red Faction: Guerilla was a type of game that littered the PS3 generation and also into the PS4 generation. It takes place in a drab open world with a ho-hum story that involves Troy Baker with dull main missions and a slew of collectibles and meaningless side content. It does have a USP though, that being, the destruction. Almost everything is destructible and it sure is fun blowing it all up. You really can make your own fun messing with the destruction physics to make some of the missions a bit more interesting to play. I actually did like the timed destruction side missions as it introduces a puzzle solving element. There is also a bare bones DLC episode that I didn't really enjoy. I didn't play the original game so I don't know how different this re-Mars-ter (points for the dumb name) is but it seems to look and play fine despite a couple of crashes. Ultimately, I think the game is solid due to one factor and I suppose that can be enough.

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
