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brazil build>>>>ps5

edit: i'm beating the game for the third time now, the more i play the more i hate it.

This game and the leaks show how the future of Insomniac will be, they will flood the market with half baked super-hero games, just like MCU movies did.

To start, the game have ZERO substance, this game relay on hype and "new" stuff to keep you entertained, but once you replay it, you see how weak the structure of the entire game actually is, the gameplay resumes on mash buttons. There's no strategy, creativity or skill required in the gameplay, you mash square and circle until you win, then you see a lame cutscene and repeat until you beat the game.

Everyone knows Spider-Man, and everyone knows how the hero actually fight, Spider-Man is not a overpower hero, he does'nt relay on brute force to beat his enemies, he need to outsmart villains with smartness, strategy or even with emotions. And this game have none of that, it's just mash button until you win and see the "spectacle" ( means cutscene), but this can't hold you on a second or third playthrough so, the game is made to beat one time close to the release where nobody knows anything about the storyline, then forget about it for the rest of your life.

Another obvious aspects in the game is how everything feels rushed, until the coney island mission you are like "wow they are cooking shit" then 5 mins later Peter have symbiote, 7 mins later he loses it, 30 seconds pass and Harry is Venom, more 3 mins pass and the campaign just ends. Like, WHAT IS THAT? THE CHARACTERS OR THE PLOT DON'T HAVE THE PROPER TIME TO CATCH YOU OR TO ACTUALLY DEVELOP SOMETHING WORTH YOUR TIME. The most obvious thing is how in the playable Venom mission, Kraven says some lines like "Do you know how horrible is to feel your body betray you?", this is clearly a attempt to connect the characters Kraven and Harry, but it fails cause this was like the second time on the campaign these characters interacted, you never see Kraven interested on Harry, you never see Harry angry about Kraven before or after that, the game never compares the two characters side from side deeply. Seriously, the characters barely have screen time, they couldn't make this connection cause simply the game is too RUSHED, they fight two times, change some lines and that's it, Kraven is dead and he doesn't matter anymore, now watch that cutscene to "hype" you to sequels so you can play the next 10 super-hero copy paste games in the next few years.

Sony is doing the same thing Disney, EA, Ubisoft and similars do with the market, flooding copy-paste half cooked products that aims to the most mainstream side of pop culture ever, it's just brainless product, basically the EA formula is:
>Make a good game
>Put 3 new things
>Remove content
>Rise the price
>Release thousands of identical uncompleted sequels

And that's what Sony is doing now, Insomniac will turn into a super-hero games studio, they already have at least 4 different super-hero games in production, but we all know they will be just clones of each other, without any creativity or passion in the production, just a total cash grab cause Marvel have popular IPs, this game and future ones is just a waste of opportunities, they don't dive deep enough in the ideas and concepts they do, they just show it visually so you can point at screen and says "WOW I KNOW THAT IT'S FROM (INSERT SOME MEDIA HERE)" and that's it, just like the Mario movie.

This game is a waste of time, money and opportunity, it could been the best Spider-Man game ever, but it's just one super-hero open-world game lost in the middle of the mediocrity.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
