Warning: the dumbfuck writing that (me) never played Jet Set Radio before, so i’m probably not the best person to talk about this game.

The movement and traversal in this game is VERY very fun, the character feel great to control and the amount of things you can do in sequence give enough dopamin to a retarded like me, most of the time playing i just wished i could play a 3d platformer with great movement like this, the “dream” sequences are kinda like a platformer so it’s probably the parts I had more fun.

The levels are very fun to explore, experiment and to chill at all, this game really makes you feel good while you are playing it, but has some annoying things.

The things that most annoyed me are the constant “pacing breaks”, like you losing the control of your character so the game can show you the entire scenario or show your “rival” doing a traject, it really annoyed me and i just feel like skipping everything but was afraid of losing some information needed. Also, the combat is kinda meh, it doesn't matter at all, you just mash buttons until you win, it’s too easy and I never died in those sequences, at least it looks cool to do graffiti on enemies. And a smaller thing, the levels are fun to explore but sometimes you can be kinda lost and can’t find where you need to go or some collectible, but maybe that’s just me being a dumbfuck.

In other subjects, the game is even better, the visuals and the music are just phenomenal, and the story is kinda slow at the start but you get more interested when you progress in the game, having fun characters, lines and a good mood with silly stuff. It also has a great localization (at least for Brazilian Portuguese).

In conclusion, the game is really fun and chill, but i still think it’s kinda expensive so, you should wait for a sale to buy it, but i’m pretty sure you will not regret playing.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
