It is certainly better than Ace Attorney Investigations, but I do not find it nearly as endearing or interesting as the main series.

I did not like the final case of Ace Attorney Investigations at all, and I really liked the first case of Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I went into the game with a positive outlook. It instantly fell apart, though; the first case is the high point of the game to me.

The second case drags on for too long. I liked Sebastian. He is a fun addition, but that is about it. I did not like Raymond, on the other hand. He reminds me of a pestering man at a gas station. I want to like Courtney but she is too one-note.

The third case is even worse. I think people get a little wrapped up in the mythos of the series with this case, I do not understand people's enjoyment of it. It drags on even more than the second case, and the characters are not very interesting. Gregory is way too flat for me to care much about him.

Personally, I found myself not caring for Edgeworth much after Justice For All, but objectively, he was still good in Trials and Tribulations. The Ace Attorney Investigations games are him at his worst. I think his charm in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Justice For All comes from him being a bit of a mess of a person despite seeming well put together. I have heard that Edgeworth seems like he is more put together in the Ace Attorney Investigations games since he is putting on a front for Kay. If that is true and what they were going for, that is really lame, and they went about it in a bad way. It makes his character boring, and it is just retreading ground already gone through in previous Ace Attorney games. I think the right turn for his character should always be pushing him to open up more.

The last two cases are better, but I do not find myself caring much. I think Justice for All and Apollo Justice are the only Ace Attorney games to pull off a twist villain. They serve a purpose in the story of the games and support the main themes, and that is why they work and are enjoyable. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 feels like it is just trying to be shocking. It has a leg up on Dual Destinies as they make it so you can realize what is happening and figure out the twist ahead of time, but still I do not see much value in it.

It is an alright game, but I do not think it is even close to being the best in the series. It is comparatively mediocre to the trilogy and Apollo Justice. I think people get too impressed by a visible, interconnected story. All of the games are interconnected through themes, even if they are not following one set story. Justice For All had the worst case in the series, but still had a really impressive level of cohesion, and its story all fit together beautifully. I would rather take a more fun and interesting game over something visibly interconnected.

This might be kind of harsh, but I think some people's enjoyment of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 comes fully from it being an "underground" untranslated game. I do not find it shocking at all that the team that made the Ace Attorney Investigations games went on to make the worst games in the Ace Attorney series.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2023
