Yeah I think I've put enough time in to give this a rating. I was torn on 3.5 stars or 4, but I settled for the higher rating. Anyway, it's another fun spinoff in a series chock full of them! The controls felt kinda weird at first, but I easily got used to them after just a few rounds. The plentiful amount of costumes, colors, character treats and music to unlock is nice too. Speaking of the music, it was really nice to hear remixes of tracks from Kirby's previous ball-based spinoffs (I'm a fan of Block Ball's OST in particular). I didn't try the online yet, but I'll edit this review once I get around to that. But yeah, fun little game! I'd say it's worth $15, though I'm absolutely biased as a longtime Kirby fan.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2022
