This title has managed to hook people again like Tekken3 hooked it at the time.

The problem with this is that now they have added microtransactions, and from what it seems they want to add a Battle pass to it.

Aside from that, having AMD is a problem since one of the maps crashes on its own unless you lower the graphics until it looks like you're playing the first Tekken on a CRT monitor.

$2000 for PC and the Deluxe version of the game to have the possibility of crashing several times and ending up banned. I can't play until they fix that specific problem since they are also banning people who used mods, and the only mod I have is to lower the graphics of that specific map.

If you plan to buy some Tekken and you don't care about all this, buy Tekken 8. However, if you like modding games and don't want to support the abusive practice of microtransactions and the destruction of an entire community, don't waste your money.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

have you tried putting '-sm5' in steam launch options? Turning anti-lag off via AMD Adrenalin also helps

and yeah as if Battle Pass on its own was not terrible enough, they are selling Tekken 7 stuff off of it, on top of making Eddy a DLC who is most definitely almost identical to his T7 self (with horrible redesign slapped on him). To make it even more disappointing, they kept advertising as if they were making a lot of stuff from ground for Tekken 8 but almost everything is the same or has features removed