you know, it's weird. i played all the way through this, and then kept playing a little bit more to see how some things can turn out differently. i thought the core concepts were quite strong, and the weird bronze age fantasy world unusual and interesting.

and yet i can barely remember if it evoked any emotions in me at all. one thing i do recall was that the concept already mandated that your party members not be very nice or likeable people, which is a hard sell if you're meant to spend like 20 hours with them -- and then the story still seemed to lean the hardest on the least likeable ones and neglect the ones that i found at all compelling.

my thought on why it's so unsatisfying to me is: it's meant to imitate a tabletop campaign of an "evil", or at least antiheroic and morally flexible party of adventurers, but then instead of your group of friends pretending to be scheming wizards and hired killers to have a fun time together, it's a somewhat lonely experience hanging out with already-written scheming wizards and hired killers, whose capacity to delight and surprise you with interpersonal antics is limited by what the writers came up with. if you start finding the style, or the tone, or the characterization, or the direction things are going grating or boring or unpleasant, you can't really figure it out together with the group and the DM and correct your course. either you're all in, or it just kind of sucks. i find that this is a common problem with crpgs that try to imitate a tabletop campaign, and a major reason why i slowly gravitated away from infinity engine style games that favour this style, and towards other, differently told stories.

other than that, i couldn't tell you a single thing about this game today. it is neither hot nor cold, and i shall spit it out of my mouth.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2022
