This one is an enjoyable FMV police detective game that feels a lot like Midsomer Murders (possibly because of the detective and the fact that it centres around a club). But game wise it's a bit like Phoenix Wright meets Her Story

A woman has drowned and while it's probably accidental, you've got one night to prove that it wasn't. You're basically bumbling around the village, talking to the suspects, finding things on the ground, challenging people with contradictions in their answers to get more things to talk to other people about.

Plays out in chapters, which are represented by the passing hours, though it's not real time, the hour will only click over once you've discovered all you need to discover in that hour.

I enjoyed the game on the whole (though I played the second last hour very late at night and was getting frustrated at the game, purely my fault).

However the ending felt a little like they ran out of money. It just kind of ends. Perhaps it was the fact that I didn't think that the person wot done it actually did it. But there are so many open questions that seem like they wanted to make a sequel... but given that it's four years old and there hasn't been any word of a sequel in a while, I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.

The acting is genre appropriate and while it's not a AAA game, it certainly looks nice. There are some ludicrous parts of the game, but this is FMV, it's to be expected I guess. The actor who plays Jenks does a fine job of it. Given that he's often asking the same or very similar questions to different people, his personality is odd enough that it doesn't become dull.

There are no moon logic puzzles here. Generally if you're stuck it means you have to go back and make sure you've asked everyone everything, called your chief and walked through the woods (were many unexpected scenes occur). And failing all that it means that you need to find a contradiction in someone's answers (though the chief will generally point you to who you should be talking to in order to find it or what topic it's about).

The last contradiction I missed because it involved looking at something harder than I should have, but eh...

It's a good game and well worth your time if you enjoy British murder mysteries of the 90s and 00s.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2021
