Eugh, this one is almost as bad as JBPP6. Not one I see coming back to often.

Overall score: 2*

Roomerang (4 stars) - I was expecting to hate this one, but it's the best of the pack by far. Role play as dumb little critters on a reality show, and getting voted off doesn't mean you stop playing.
Fibbage 4 (3 stars) - It's Fibbage. Create fake answers for a trivia game. Can't really mess this one up. Not a fan of the Video segments, tho.
Nonsensory (3 stars) - Kind of a better version of Guesspionage, but it uses player-submitted writings and drawings. This one works on paper, but not so much in execution.
Junktopia (2 stars) - Semi-improv game where you make up funny facts for pre-made images. Kinda funny sometimes, but pretty whatever.
Quixort (1 stars) - Uggghhhhh, hated this one. Team-based Trivia game where you have to actively place answers tetris-style. Slow, boring, annoying, confusing. Horrendous for streaming. Good idea that just really really doesn't work.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023
