A fairly well-rounded entry for the Jackbox series, but nothing particularly stands out this time, either (except maybe Job Job)

+Poll Mine (4) - Statistics / Guessing team-based game where you try to figure out how other players ranked lists of prompts. My personal favorite of the pack.

+Job Job (4
) - Writing game where you use individual words from other peoples' answers to answer prompts. Arguably the best entry.

+Drawful Animated (3) - Drawful, but with twice the amount of work. Not for everyone. Intimidating for people who hate drawing.

+Weapons Drawn (3
) - Drawing / social deduction game. Players try to hide a letter from their name inside a drawing. Kind of a weird one, but works out for the most part.

+Wheel of Enormous Proportions (2*) - Trivia & Chance game. Feels too up to chance. There are much better JB trivia games. Worst entry in the pack.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2021
