this game definitely has its flaws (long climbing sections of pressing X for way too long, very marvel-movie dialogue at times, certain bullet sponge-y ass enemies on hard mode near the end of the game) but despite everything that this game doesn't do too well i couldn't help but finding myself being invested in the characters and story, something i didn't feel at all while playing the first uncharted game. i feel like a sucker liking the gameplay as much as i do but "find cover, shoot bad guy" never really got too old for me at any point while playing and the puzzles, while simple and at times clunky, never annoyed me either

i really can't tell whether the first uncharted game made me doubt that i'd enjoy this one THAT much or whether i'm shamefully an elitist that feels too smart to enjoy essentially "high budget big studio action movie: the game"

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
