Pretty decent low-budget remake and it didn't crash even once when I played. Just turn off the music (because the original one didn't have any rock music going on all the time), the UI sound effect (the annoying score sound after each kill), and aim assist before playing.

The positives:
[+] Nostalgic (pretty much faithful to the original one, even the dialogues are the same)
[+] Nice graphics
[+] All the enemy redesigns look good. The third boss, Hermit, redesign looks surprisingly better than the original one.
[+] Multiple roads to each boss (just like the original one)

The Negatives:
[-] Painfully slow loading
[-] The final boss, Magician, does not look as terrifying as the original one. Even his animations are slow.
[-] I would love to see the route I chose to the final boss after finishing the game. Also in the main menu, there should be a map where it tells me which routes I have covered overall and which routes I have never set my feet on.
[-] Music
[-] Lack of online 2-player mode
[-] The original soundtrack was much better. I missed "Re-Re-Re-Reloooaad Reloaaad" sooo much! (Try this link to replace the soundtrack
[-] Light gun not supported (I don't have one, so I don't care anyway)

I would love to see remakes of other light gun game series such as Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, etc and obviously, I want a House of the Dead 2 remake!

HIlariously Gen Z idiots are giving negative reviews because the game is short. I never want unnecessary fillers in my game. Just wait for a sale if you don't want to spend much on a short game, otherwise, you may go for ubish!t games where you can do the same crap in a soulless open world over and over for hundreds of hours.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
