It's Yu-Gi-Oh. Gone are the days of throwing down a facedown and ending your turn, it's OTK, control, or bust.

The menu and in-game UI is solid, and I've got very few complaints on that end. Card sorting is a bit iffy but that's to be expected with thousands of cards in the database.

Most shocking of all is that free-to-play is viable, and you can make one or two complete decks that'll take you all the way through ranked if you know what you're doing.

If there's one glaring flaw, it's the single-player duels. They start off as a tutorial to ease people into Yu-Gi-Oh, and do a decent job of explaining the rules, but they don't do much to tell you how the archetypes they showcase actually function. Instead you find out how they work when you jump into a duel with one of their loaner decks and immediately watch the AI pull out their boss monster with a better version of the deck they made you play. I don't want to get rolled by Inzektors again just give me my gems konami

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022
