🕗 Total time played (approx.): +2310h
🏆 Completion: 100% (294/294 Steam Achievements)


"Age of Empires II: HD Edition" isn't just a remake of a classic; it's a loving homage to a game that has captivated generations of players. As someone who played the original tirelessly during childhood and witnessed it star in many LAN parties, I was eager to see how this HD edition would refresh my memories and give one of my favorite games a new shine. I'm thrilled to say it didn't disappoint.

The HD edition brings the timeless gameplay of "Age of Empires II" into the modern era. The enhanced graphics make the game world more vibrant and detailed than ever before. It's amazing to see the familiar landscapes and buildings come to life with crisp textures and vivid colors.

However, the true beauty of "Age of Empires II: HD Edition" lies not only in its visual splendor but also in its gameplay, which has fascinated me for decades. The mechanics are familiar and accessible, and even after all these years, the game remains captivating and entertaining. It's a game that's easy to learn but difficult to master, and that's a big part of its charm.

For me personally, "Age of Empires II" has always been best enjoyed with friends, and that hasn't changed with the HD edition. Over many years, I've spent thousands of hours playing the game, mostly in the company of friends, just like in the good old LAN party days. The ability to ally with or compete against other players provides endless hours of enjoyment and challenge. Although I haven't engaged much online, as despite my long gaming experience, I'm still somewhat of a noob and have little interest in precise build orders or shortcuts, it hasn't diminished my love for the game. I still enjoy it in a relaxed and casual manner, and that's something I've always appreciated about "Age of Empires II".

Overall, the game is a worthy remake of a timeless classic. It preserves the essence of the original while appealing to new players with its modernized look and accessible gameplay. For me, it's not just a game but a source of endless joy and memories that I'll continue to enjoy for many years to come.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
