An overall great experience that's full of highs and lows.

When this game is good, it's a masterpiece with great story-telling, fun and engaging combat (just make sure to swap the party leader every once in a while to keep it from getting stale), and grand visual spectacle (how they managed to get environments this expansive in a Wii game is beyond me). When it isn't, it's a grindy nightmare where it takes hours just to find and start all the side quests (which are pretty much all monotonous fetch/kill quests btw) in an area, never mind completing them. I swear this game would be 10 times better if they added a sprint button or increased the walking speed without needing to use a gem slot.

But if you stick to the story and avoid side quests with a 10-foot pole, I think it really is something special.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
