The easiest first game to review.

I think this was probably the first video game I ever played. I still go back and visit it once a year. It holds up pretty well. On a technical level, the graphics are dated, but it retains a charming visual style. Jeremy Soule, composer of the Elder Scrolls series, had to compose these games before John Williams and I think he did an immaculate job.

It's also the first game I ever, "Hacked". I haven't hacked many, but it really sparked my obsession with No Clipping Out of Bounds, and irrational phobia of falling through the floor.

I also discovered recently that there's a recently formed team that's included and polished all of the cut content, creating an expanded experience (cut levels, new areas to explore, etc.) They did a great job after playing it recently. I have no idea if I can recommend this game or not, but sure.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2024
