Story- story is pretty good actually 7/10

Lore- it's Warhammer, enough said 10/10

Gameplay- it actually does make you want to go turn after turn as you want to see how the world/your faction develop. 7/10

Art design- always loved Warhammers aesthetic and this game does pretty well, although some areas are a bit bright for my liking. 8/10

Colour use- like I said, generally pretty gritty although some areas are a bit too bright for me personally. 7/10

Immersivity- really easy to get sucked into advancing your civilisation and it's fun to get in the head of your lord and RP a bit 9/10

Ending- multiple endings are all pretty good despite being so many 8/10

Soundtrack- doesn't really do it for me, feels like I've heard all of it before and it's just a bit boring 4/10

Sound effects- the sound effects are better, sometimes lords repeat voice lines and such but overall the sound FX are pretty on point 7/10

Level design- the maps are mostly pretty good, although some are just flat 7/10

Environments- honestly all the environments fit the housed factions pretty well, and despite some being a bit bright I do see why 8/10

Characters- the lords are super over the top and I love it, really like getting into the heads of them to play how they would, only thing is that they're already characters so it doesn't have a bunch new and they're not really developed so 8/10


Reviewed on Dec 21, 2020
