Played a little over ten hours of this, getting to about the half-way point on the normal difficulty. As far as I can see it, all this game has going for it is a strong aesthetic based in convolution that feels present in the pacing, even in the movement of motifs between visual and plot elements. Without knowing any of the details behind it, the tech and presentation is also really damn impressive. The environments are sometimes very beautiful. But other than that I think it is a boring, sometimes frustrating game to play. I am confused as to what it was designed to make me a player feel, because all aspects of how it plays seem non-complimentary and totally out of tune. The combat is not satisfying because you never can tell how much damage you have dealt to an enemy unless their head explodes since they hardly react to anything, taking bullets to the head like it was nothing at all, which is a huge ding against it coming from the director of RE4. The tension stemming from the low resources could have been cool with different balancing, but this is clearly an action game with large amounts of bullet-sponge enemies with pretty much no other alternatives to fight with. It gestures at having phases for styles of play, moving from stealth to outright combat, but stealth is just a way to reduce enemies before you have to fight them and that often takes way longer to do than simply shooting enemies in the head. The pacing is interesting but only because it makes it hard for you to predict what comes next, which has the negative effect of destroying any modulation of tension created by understanding or potentially misunderstanding your position, your dis/advantage, your progress in a chapter or the over all drama. This game is truly a mess and unfortunately it is barely even an interesting mess.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2020
