A couple summers back during a period where my wife and I were both stuck at home with COVID we marathoned Civ like it was going out of style. I mean absolutely day long marathon sessions and when we were satisfied with one game having played out we would fire up another one.

Humankind came out just before that marathon, and so as we burned ourselves out a bit I thought “oh hey maybe we should give this new one a go”, but we shrugged it off, not wanting to buy two copies.

Well here I am, having finally played it and…I’m glad we didn’t buy it back then, because I don’t really like it. It lacks soul, in a way—it just has some sort of quintessential quality missing.

I really don’t like changing cultures every era—part of the joy of the soul of Civ for me is a bit of roleplay and of keeping that same “identity” and that is more or less out the window here. I don’t love the general art style all that much…I just don’t like it

Also this is such a minor thing but the Leonard Nemoy style Civ Voice they’re copying here’s copy is so snarky and obnoxious, offering commentary on my civic choices—it makes me roll my eyes every time

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

I had a similar experience with it.
The civ choices at the beginning of Civ are ignorable to me because they feel like uninformed choices every time. A slightly different unit or tech I will see in 2 hours (at which point I will probably forget they are special) just sucks.
Doing that multiple times through the game really didn't work.