Greatness from Small Beginnings….What a way to finish off an incredible journey. Playing through these games back to back really helped me appreciate the references and little inside jokes sprinkled throughout the title. Best mechanics out of the entire series, climbing, swinging to the next cliff while shooting a assault rifle never has felt so good. The story is unarguably the best as well, antagonist actually have compelling motivations and the treasure this time around had a lot more lore revolving around it, making it all the more interesting to find the next clue. Nolan North nailed it, hell, he slaughtered it, he understood what makes Nate such a great character and his performance made this a staple when it comes to the medium of Voice Acting. Sam, performed by Troy Baker, (yeah he’s great, always is) what a great addition to the main cast, throughout the series Nathan would have these moments when he completely geeks out over discoveries, leaving the rest of the cast to be completely lost on what is going on, but now with his brother, Sam was equally as engaged on what was happening with his little brother and it was so fun to listen too. Elena, if it werent for the former, would easily have my favorite moments in the game, I dont believe I have never cared more about a companion to the protagonist than her, she completely holds her own and through this whole series is able to bounce off Nathans witty energy with such intensity, shoutout Emily Rose. I love Nathan and Elena, they have given me some of my favorite character interactions in gaming. The set pieces, though it wasnt as in your face as navigating through a moving locomotive or fighting tooth and nail to not fall out of a deteriorating airplane, they had a constant build up, exploring Madagascar or discovering Libertalia, the sheer scope of these locations is astounding, making them some if not the best in the series. Puzzles were incredibly digestible, allowing you yourself to get more involved with Drake’s journal without it just telling you what the answer is. With jumping from location, to location, to location, I simply could not put this game down. And now I can see why so many third person adventure games have tried to find success in the same formula, all because of how truly great the Uncharted series is. Side note, limited the FPS to 40 and its fantastic on the Steam Deck, its how i played the entire playthrough. Probably will knock out Lost Legacy soon.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
