I came across this game among a myriad of others in an attempt to search for lost media and quirky games from years past. What struck out to me among the sea of mid-aughts indie titles was a simple platformer, Lost in the Static. Whereas most platformers have textures that aid in platforming behavior, this game forgoes any effort of texturing and instead puts a moving static noise wall on every single particle and object.

This sounds concretely impossible to play, and to some it might be. The developer's page explicitly tells players to stop playing should they experience nausea or headaches. This is good advice, but the game is so brief that it can often be over before anything other than any onset dizziness sets in. The platforming itself is relatively simple to counteract the visual noise, which is nice considering positional disorientation is a guarantee. I initially thought of this as a game of unusual physical endurance, along the lines of the PainStation, but it seems more to be an optical illusion.

Let it be known that videos do not serve this game justice. To get the full scope of what you're seeing, play the game yourself. Here is a link to the webpage.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
