EDIT: original review below. i played it on pc with lightning-fast loadtimes and no performance issues, and guess what? this game still kinda sucks. it made the game playable, but it didn't make it good. my kingdom for another good fuckin rune factory game.


oof, this is a tough one to write. rune factory 4 is one of my favorite games, ever.

i knew rf5 wouldn't live up to rf4. the only way to do that would be to make a game that is rf4 with a different story/characters/setting/etc. a huge reason rf4 works so well is because everything is very quick. you can knock out an entire day's tasks in five minutes if you want to.

this game, on the other hand, suffers from long load times and really intense performance issues on the switch. i'd love a buttery-smooth pc port, and i don't normally mind jank, but it really hurts this game's pace given the repetitive nature of farming sims.

i will pick this back up, i love rune factory too much to ignore it forever, but the switch to 3d environments was something i was dreading after the ps3 game, and i was right to feel that way. the combat is sloppy and also hurt by the framerate issues. the environments are huuuuge for no reason whatsoever.

here are a couple nice things about it: i have decent first impressions of the characters. i think i will be able to grow to like them once i get to know them more. also, the intro cinematic is clearly going for a persona vibe and it totally succeeds, i watch it every single time i boot up the game. and lastly, the north american release marked the addition of actual same-sex marriage in this series. no more having to switch your character sprite and being stuck with the wrong pronouns or whatever. wooooo

that said, you still select your gender at the beginning by answering a question either masculinely or femininely, lol. baby steps i guess.

Reviewed on May 14, 2022


9 months ago

"the only way to do that would be to make a game that is rf4 with a different story/characters/setting/etc. " I see no problem with this honestly. They even rereleased RF4 on switch and that probably helped them a lot financially.

Imo they were really too ambitious with the 3D and went out of their way to try to make something new when they should have focused on checking whether they can even remake a game like RF4. I can only think that this is a bad idea when you're forming your team again.

2 months ago

totally. 3d has never been ideal for this series. i'd love for rf6 to just be rf4 with different art and writing, and everything else being mechanically identical. like genuinely if rf3s was identical to rf4s i would've liked it more too! rf4 simply has the special sauce