2 Reviews liked by whatsnexttrevor

Took a really big gamble on this one considering I never really managed to stick with any of the other Remedy games, notably the first Alan Wake game, but this one hooked me hard for the intro and did not let go.

At its core, Alan Wake 2 is an imaginative and weird game, feeling like an odd mix of survival horror with Stephen King and David Lynch elements. It’s surreal and it’s trippy.

There’s no denying the creative flair that went into this one with some of the most unique uses of multi media formats and set pieces I’ve ever seen in a video game. It’s kind of mind gobbling and really reels you in with all the special mechanics, my favorite easily being the mind place.

Now I heard the predecessor wasn’t really a survival horror game, so I’m glad they made that choice for this installment, because it fits perfectly. The sound design and enemy encounters complement themselves perfectly and it leads to some really creepy encounters.

My only faults here would be that the gameplay isn’t really that engaging, feeling almost like a slightly dumbed down version of the RE2 remake controls with the added flashlight mechanic that can get quite repetitive.

It’s also pretty annoying to be bombarded by jumpscares in a game that otherwise manages its horror and dread elements in such a cool way. It’s really effective in some segments but other times it’s just a cheap ‘BOO!’ and then you’re back on track to whatever you were doing.

Obviously there are some segments here that are much more enjoyable than others, both Saga and Alan have some slower moments spread across their stories, but I did really enjoy the non linear aspect of the story that still connects in a satisfying manner by the end.

Is this game perfect? No. But it might just be one of the most creative and passionate products in the medium right now, and definitely the most unique game of the year. It definitely subverted my expectations and got me very intrigued to see what will happen to the Remedy connected universe and give these other games a try.



The cell stage is fun and thankfully doesn't overstay its welcome.
The creature stage is even more fun, I wish it lasted longer.
The tribal stage is a bit worse but still pretty fun.
The civilization stage is just a worse tribal stage.
The space stage is boring.
Unfortunately, the fact that the other tribes and civilizations are different species from you has some disgustingly racist implications that I hope weren't intentional.