Is it perfect? Absolutely not. I can go over the multiple times I got softlocked after falling through the floor while fighting a boss, or the times I had to restart the game after the screen went blank and I couldn't see, sounds pretty bad! But none of those times were terribly detrimental.
Now, is it what I was hoping it would be? Fuck yeah it is! I had been looking forward to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk for so long, and I all ever needed it to be was a fun and smooth spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio. I got that, and more.

The gameplay is, clearly, good as hell. Movement is fluid and doesn't ever feel like an obstacle to work around, helped by the fact that the camera also functions pretty well. Really, the only problem I might have had with the gameplay, and I notice this seems to be a common complaint, is how stale the tricks start to feel after a bit. Every character plays the same way, only differences being what objects they can interact with depending on what ride style they're currently using. I do wish there was just a bit more to it, but it's still fun to mess around with, even gives some more movement options if you know what does what.

The music bangs, as it should. Out of the entire soundtrack, I really only grew to hate one song, and that was mainly because of how much I had to hear it after spending so much time in Chapter 4 just doing extra stuff for tags or unlocks. I can still recall the moment 'condensed milk' first played in the hideout and I immediately realized I would be hooked on this soundtrack, and this game, for a good damn while. Some notable tracks that I also want to bring up since I love them just as much, 'Refuse' by Swami Sound was a vibe, and I've found myself listening to it even outside of gameplay while I'm working on something else. Same with 'I Wanna Kno' by 2 Mello, 'In The Pocket', 'Light Switch' there's a lot of songs in this game that are just as enjoyable when not Bomb Rushing Cyberfunks, and I'm here to shill all of them.
The art was great as well. It was interesting seeing just how many people did graffiti for this game, and I was a little surprised seeing a few names that I actually recognized.

All in all, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is, again, exactly what I was hyped for. Fast-paced skating and writing, mixed with a huge collab of all kinds of different artists, this game is fuckin' awesome. 10/10, uncontested game of the year.

and i've still got hours of post-game left lmao

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
