Well that's a bit unfortunate.

Needy Streamer Overload was never something I was all too interested in, and to be completely honest, for a while I was actively disinterested in it. I judged a book by its cover and assumed this would be some more anime girl bullshit that people were only hyping up because she was hot or whatever. Funnily enough, the number one thing that finally sold me on the game was the multiple people telling me it had a similar vibe and aesthetic to my own favorite game ever, VA-11 Hall-A. There's my weakness, I guess.

I bought it during the Winter sale just last month, and hopped in completely blind after doing a little research and being told that it wasn't very long. Managed all the achievements in just over 10 and a half hours, and... I mean it was kinda cool?

Right off the bat, I quickly realized after I booted up my first file and went through their tutorials that this game was going to be overwhelmingly heavy on time and number management. Something I am, erm, awful at! You are given a plethora of different actions to perform up to 3 times each day, and every one of them will raise and/or lower a stat in the task manager, Ame's followers, her stress, her affection, and her mental darkness. To achieve a good majority of the game's 26 endings, you will have to keep close watch on all of them and carefully plan every waking moment based on what number will go how low, what number will go too high, which task will accidentally lock you into another ending you weren't trying for, I'm sorry but this is not something I've ever been proficient in, which, much to my own fault, will likely hinder my enjoyment throughout. Not to mention the grind that comes with some of the more difficult endings, usually involving getting the follower count to 1mil while also keeping the affection and darkness at a certain amount. What started out as a fun experiment-fest soon turned into a frustrating and tedious slog of watching this poor girl game, travel, sleep, stream, repeat for 30 days over, and over, and over.

Which sucks, too, because I actually enjoyed everything else! The game absolutely nails that feeling of intensity and anxiety as you watch KAngel's slow (or rapid) descent into... whatever the ending calls for, with its heavy soundtrack fitting a damn good range of emotions, while also delivering well on the douche-y feeling of being the one in control of everything she does. I was thoroughly invested in every ending, I just hated what it took to get there most of the time.

I can't call it bad, the story was enthralling and the music accentuated every aspect of it. I also appreciated some of the more meta aspects of the game fuckign happy end world, but the actual game aspect of Needy Streamer just wasn't for me. If not for the guide I was given for the last few endings, I know damn well I would've been lost and irritated for way longer than it turned out. A nice 6, maybe 6.5/10.

obligatory 🙏BLESS🙏

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

I kind of felt the same playing this. I got a few endings on my own and it was fun, definitely a lot of well done aspects I appreciated like the art and music. But the idea of just using a guide to get all the endings wasn't appealing to me, let alone experimenting with the three stats just to have a chance at seeing something new.