Happy 6 years to one of the best games ever made.

This was definitely a fun surprise. Celeste isn't necessarily something I would've expected to make a great turn into 3D, but they did it really damn well. For a week(ish)'s worth of development, there's a lot of really fun tricks and a lot of love put into the feel of this game.

I'll start off by saying, hey, I suck at 3D platformers. I died a few more times than I'd like to admit, and a lot of my deaths came from my absolute dogass depth perception, but as Celeste goes, none of it ever felt frustrating. Celeste has always absolutely nailed the feeling of triumph over trial and error, and that's no different here. Movement is, while a little more slippery than I'd like, satisfying to experiment with and maneuver around, and the newer mechanics that come from a third dimension mesh really well with what was already there.

The music, surprisingly enough, was great as well. I don't usually like the whole "Mario 64 soundfont" vibe, but they managed to pull it off. I also really enjoyed the Sunshine style cassette tapes spread throughout. Granted, there's like 4 tracks in all, but what's there is nice.

I really can't say too much. It's a very short little project with a lot of love put into its whole concept. Was great to see the cast again, even if Granny being there was a little confusing. Was great seeing their stories advance some more.

and they gave Madeline a girlfriend, proud of her <3

30 berries in 136 deaths, 01:17:26.564

8/10 game.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

loved having to write this review twice (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)