Good fucking lord, dude...

I was pretty surprised to learn that the little "Lacey's Wardrobe" video that showed up in my recommended a good few months ago actually had a game to go with it, and just a bit more surprised to learn that it was fairly recent as well. I thought the video was decent enough, got a good scare outta me along with the rest of this mini-series, and then I forgot about it. Didn't much care to look into it too much as I really thought it was just a quick horror short using some good ol' 2006 internet nostalgia that I was not a part of.

Regardless, I was intrigued by this game. Why not, right? I know what to expect, and it shouldn't be any longer than maybe, like, 15-30 minutes of just throwing stuff together and seeing what happens. To repeat, good fucking lord! No! No I did not! Maybe I'm just a little squeamish, maybe it's just a bunch of basic "distorted face + scream" combos, but shit if it got to me!

I spent the entirety of my playthrough completely on edge, once I made it past ending 1, I soon figured out that I, in fact, do not know a thing about what to expect. I could certainly guess at points, but that never meant I'd be fully prepared for what was about to happen. Genuinely unsettling experience all the way through.

...but then that's just kinda it, right? Despite everything, it's still a quick runthrough, Ren'Py visual novel with its fair share of bugs and quirks. As I mentioned, past ending 1 was when I started getting a little cautious. The actual process behind that is where things get unnecessarily vague and convoluted. You will be saving at every moment, because it really does just feel like trial and error most of the time. Six different endings ranging from wearing a specific outfit, accepting a "person sized" gift at your door, to dressing through a finicky menu in 15 seconds. I get what you're going for, and you're doing great, but it doesn't make for the best gameplay. Especially not when I'm being sent back 3 save files ago at random half the time.

I think horror is pretty subjective. I can recognize the relatively basic nature of Lacey's Wardrobe and its scares, just as I can recognize how much they really worked on me. Underneath that, though, is a somewhat convoluted and frustrating time. Not a long time, but that's never really been something I take into account all too often.

5/10, I am very interested in whether or not they'll be making games off of the other videos though.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
