The art is pretty nice, some silly little tricks pulled with the occasional fake pop-ups and the movement/renaming of the window that I think are pretty neat. Knuckles shows up for a couple minutes, calls you a bitch, Ray the Flying Squirrel is also there for some reason, who knows. Mediocre game, and I'm sure whatever's coming up in the (uncertain) future of this game will be interesting to see. I'd like to use this review for something a little more, though. I just want to talk about the "EXE" concept as a whole.

Obviously, we all know who to thank for this dumbass's resurgence, and while that's a whole tale of its own that I do not want to get into, it's been genuinely intriguing to see the rat come back after over half a decade, this suddenly, and this strongly. While I had completely forgotten about the creepypasta a couple years after it's time, there was still a niche, devoted community that was creating and writing all sorts of different stories and monsters under the executable moniker. A devout fanbase for what's generally agreed upon to be one of the worst horror stories of its kind, I just think it's fascinating.

Hell, to this day, I'm still hearing of new hogs or foxes just in passing. There has been so much more added not only to the original story, but to the ever expanding roster of characters. I'll provide a link just to let everyone see what I'm talking about, and while yes, they can't all be winners, and they certainly can't all be much to gawk over since, at the forefront of it all, it's still Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's... fun. It is legitimately fun just taking the time to read other people's ideas and looking over the designs to see what they can come up with off of these zany characters. That's what Sonic is! He's a simple, fun character that people have experimented with for years just for the hell of it! Ignore whatever preconceived notions you have of the community or the character and just have fun with your own imagination!

In the midst of my 1am ramblings, I decided to give it a go myself and say "fuck it, i'll make my own." She sits inside emulated copies of Sonic Advance 2 and mourns the fact that she hasn't been in an actual Sonic game in a decade. If there's any more I feel like adding to this, I might come back to it later. For now, though, this was half shitpost, half me testing myself to see if I knew how to draw Sonic characters at all. Turned out better than I was expecting, and I enjoyed drawing it.

... oh, yeah, the game i'm reviewing. uhh 3/10, i guess.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024
