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i gave up on this game about a third of the way through case 5, it's not fun, and is easily the worst ace attorney in the series.

the best part of this game was the idea behind it, i enjoyed seeing what goes on before an arrest, everything that goes into who the defendant winds up being, it would just help if the characters surrounding the investigations weren't all completely insufferable.

i liked kay, and gumshoe is of course as fun and entertaining to see as he was in all the other games he appears in, but once you get far enough in, you start to realize that literally the only reason he's there is so they can write him a dumb little line for anybody in the room to shit talk him on. that's the whole joke, and it goes on for damn near every object you inspect with him.

and that's about how most of the characters feel in this game. a joke. whether it be Yew's constant laughing at every line of dialogue, Badd's dumb little speech quirk of talking... like this... all the time... or Oldbag showing up two different times in a new costume just to pop out and fawn over edgeworth every moment she can, i cant take anyone seriously in this game, which sucks when the characters are one of, if not the most important part of the series

i went into ace attorney investigations expecting so much more, simply because of all the praise i had seen for it's sequel, and while this isn't going to stop me from playing that, too, i have lost a considerable amount of excitement for it. maybe that's a good thing, though, for all i know AAI2 could surprise me and actually prove to be one of the best ace attorneys.

i've decided i'm just gonna watch the rest of the final case, i still at the very least want to know how it ends, and if i might need to know anything before moving on to the second game.

this is probably the most i've written for any of my reviews, i had a lot to say 'cause this game, more than anything, was a hell of a disappointment. oh well, big review for my 200th game on backloggd lol

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2022
