i don't have the brain capacity to go into full detail on why i like this game so much but it's just really damn cool
i loved seeing what they could do with all the different copy abilities by putting it in the robot, i just really like seeing them do different things with the copy abilities
final boss went hard, music was cool, a lot of throwbacks that i can't really pin down but I know i had heard in some other way, code cubes aren't too much of a hassle to find (aside from like 2), very cool game

was not expecting to like a kirby game this much, even if i've only played like 5 of them

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023


1 year ago

best kirby game period. hal will always be great but they will never make something like this ever again imo.

1 year ago

also dont mind me i have a habit of going around liking reviews abt my fav games lmao